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7 Best Eco-Friendly Farming Practices to Ensure Sustainability

The term "sustainable" has grown in popularity in recent years, and it is currently used to describe a wide range of topics. However, what really is sustainable agriculture? Simply said, sustainable agriculture is the production of plant and animal products, including food, while protecting the environment, public health, communities, and animal welfare. Sustainable agriculture enables us to produce and enjoy nutritious foods without jeopardizing future generations' ability to do so. Finding the correct balance between the requirement for food production and the preservation of natural ecosystems is the key to eco-friendly agriculture.

In this blog, we have discussed the 7 best eco-friendly farming practices to ensure sustainability.

1. Plant Cover Crops and Perennials

Cover crops like clover, rye, and hairy vetch are planted during the off-season when soils would otherwise be left naked, whereas permanent crops keep the soil covered wit