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Best Organic Fertilizers for a Vegetable Garden

Every plant needs certain nutrients in order to grow and it gets this nutrient supply from the soil. Sometimes though, the soil cannot provide enough nutrients for the plants. This happens because with each harvest, the soil loses some of these essential nutrients. Eventually, there comes a point when nature fails to replenish them. This is when fertilization becomes all the more important, especially in the case of edible crops like vegetables.

Here is why you should only use organic fertilizers for the plants in your vegetable garden: -

Why are Organic Fertilizers Better?

Basically, there are 2 different types of fertilizers - organic and non-organic. Non-organic or chemical fertilizers show faster results in terms of plant growth but they can also cause some serious damage to the health and fertility of the soil.

On the other hand, organic fertilizers take some time to show results. On the positive side,