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Importance of Soil Fertility and Proven Ways to Fight Nutrient Imbalance

The soil comprises air, water and decayed organic matter like sand, silt and clay. But did you know, it takes almost 2000 years for natural processes to make 10 cm of fertile soil from bedrock? Just like humans, soil also needs certain nutrients and minerals to grow a better yield. Soil fertility can be defined as the efficacy of the soil to provide an atmosphere that is suitable for plant growth. Maintaining or increasing soil fertility is one of the most important things farmers need to do to increase output. To achieve this, farmers need to know the characteristics and constraints of their soil and use only suitable agricultural practices and methods for making the soil more fertile.

Two of the most important physical properties that affect soil fertility are its texture and structure. The texture is the combination of sand, clay and silt in the soil. While the structure is the number of pores in the soil. Many types of